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Witney Blanket Hall The Home of Witney Blankets

WITNEY BLANKET HALL has always been more than 'just a blanket Hall'! Over its 300 year history, it has hosted many events... Cultural, Political, and (more often than not, actually) fun and frolicsome events!

  So, for 300 years, the Blanket Hall has been entertaining the public, and also hosting free, public debate on all sorts of subject. This is a tradition that we continue today (whatever our opinion on the merits of the particular debate!), are some of the posters and flyers for recent events.

You've missed these events, but if you would like to be kept informed about future activities at the Hall, do please send us your email address:

Thank you for wanting to be involved at Witney Blanket Hall

Blanket Town Ukes
Blanket Town Ukes
Problem at Sea
Poster A4 low res rev (NXPowerLite Copy).jpg
Afternoon tea
What the Dickens!
Poetry reading at Witney Blanket Hall
Cream Tea event at Witney Blanket Hall
Bill Spectr tells a ghost story at Witney Blanket Hall
Burford Orchestra at Witney Blanket Hall
Hog Roast at Witney Blanket Hall
The Blanket Trail from Witney Blanket Hall
A history of Witney Blanket Hall
Mill Memory Heritage Open Days at Witney Blanket Hall
Pienights at Witney Blanket Hall
Debate evenings at Witney Blanket Hall
History lectures at Witney Blanket Hall
The Famous Mr Fuddles at Witney Blanket Hall
Christmas festivities at Witney Blanket Hall
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